
Primordial Deity of Community

What We Know…

Ttano is known as the deity of relations and the incarnation of strings of connection. They are also known as a Parent of life, a foundation that life can rely upon and learn from. Ttano is the creator of families and friendships, showing life how they can build and strengthen their connections to each other.

Known as the eternal love of Innaia, and parent of Nooiq, and sibling to Saia, life remembers Ttano as a warm presence. Every connection they make with others, they feel their presence close to them and are filled with comfort and excitement. Life knows that connections and community are an essential part of being alive, and they try to honor Ttano in that way, but are fearful without their full presence because of Consumers, Thieves and Curses.

Their pronouns are they/he, and they identify as a two-spirit person.

Their form represents an Indigenous two-spirit person.



