Please pardon are stardust as we collect the people and information needed to play!
Quest Introduction
A group of Zhairii have found themselves puled through a magical portal and into a forest with a purple path leading somewhere. Before they can even get steady, vines whip down from above and wrap them up, pulling them into the sky. As they soar through the sky, beneath them they see a forest filled with giant mushrooms and another group travelling upon the purple path.
The vines wrapped around them pull them up into a willow tree so large that an entire city could live within its branches and as they are, strangely, set down and released, they realize that is exactly what this place is. It is an entire city filled with homes and communal spaces, but it is eerily quiet aside from a suspicious sound coming from the branches above.
The Navigator
Who will be guiding this Quest?
The NPCs
Who have they met or learned about on their journey?
The Characters
Who has decided to brave this journey?